Requirements for the minor

I. The minor in astronomy will consist of 19 credit hours.

A. Of those, 10 hours will include:

Course ID Course Title
PHYS-1103 Observatory Astronomy 
PHYS-1304 Solar System Astronomy 


Stars & Galaxies

PHYS-1310 or PHYS-1312 General Physics II or Introduction to Electricity, Magnetism, and Waves

B. Three hours will include: 

Course ID Course Title
PHYS-3350 Intermediate Astronomy 
PHYS-4350 Astrophysics

C. The remaining 6 upper-division hours are chosen from the following: 

Course ID Course Title
GEOS-3307 Planetary Geology
PHYS-3412 / GEOS-3412 Applied Geophysics
PHYS-3321 Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics
PHYS-3322 Classical Mechanics and Nonlinear Dynamics
PHYS-3323 Introduction to Modern Physics
PHYS-3324 Math Methods in Physics
PHYS-3325 Waves and Optics
PHYS-3348 Atmospheric Physics
PHYS-3128 Summer Research II
PHYS-4128 Summer Research III




Directed Studies – Junior Level




Directed Studies – Senior Level 

Students may also choose one relevant 3-hour-upper-division course approved by the department chair.

The combined total of hours for PHYS-3128, PHYS-4128, PHYS-3190, PHYS-3290, PHYS-3390, or PHYS-4190, PHYS-4290, PHYS-4390 may not exceed 3 hours for the minor. The chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy must approve the selected content of PHYS-3128, PHYS-4128, PHYS-3190, PHYS-3290, PHYS-3390, or PHYS-4190, PHYS-4290, PHYS-4390 as relevant to the minor in astronomy. 

Contact Us

Department Website

 Jennifer Steele, Ph.D. (Chair)


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